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Blog posts of '2018' 'April'

Drawer Joints - Which Ones Work Best for Quality Furniture?
Responsive imageDrawers aren’t given much attention in today’s modern world despite how often they’re used and such a necessity in day-to-day life. They may even have names like “junk drawers” “drawer with pens”, and other titles people use to organize their assortment of knick-knacks. When shopping around at the furniture store in West Palm Beach, you should keep an eye out for certain drawer joints to see if the furnishings you’re picking out are good quality or not.

The Biscuit Joint

Regardless of how delicious it sounds, it’s a joint you may find in bedroom furniture in West Palm Beach and is one of many on this list. The biscuit joint is a reinforced one that is an oval shape and is usually made out of compressed or dried wood, like beech. This joint is installed on either side of a mortise where the drawer will be connecting and it gives a certain amount of flexibility when being glued to another piece.

The only downside to this joint is if the wood is not cut precisely, you could end up with an imperfect alignment on the drawer. The mortise of the drawer has to be cut precisely to fit around this joint so everything is in perfect alignment, but if not done the results can look haphazard.

Dovetail Joint

You’ve probably encountered this in a furniture store in West Palm Beach at some and it’s one that’s incredibly strong compared to others. The dovetail has a reputation for having a great tensile strength (this means the chances of the drawer being pulled apart) and connects to the sides of the drawer to the front facing area. There is a series of pines that are cut on one part of a board and will interlock to a series of tails that are cut into another board.

These pins and tails have a trapezoidal shape. Once the dovetail joints have been glued together, the joint is completely permanent and doesn’t need any mechanical fasteners to keep it in place. This joint is a sign of expert craftsmanship and is ideal for drawers since they’re constantly being pulled out and pushed back in.

Finger Joint

Similar to the dovetail, it’s another popular woodworking joint you’ve probably encountered in the furniture store in West Palm Beach at one point or another without realizing it. The finger joints join two pieces of wood at right angles, the only difference between this and the dovetail being the pins are square instead of angled. While it doesn’t have the mechanical strength of dovetail, it’s an easier joint to create and once glued does hold a drawer together quite well. It’s ideal for drawers that won’t see a lot of heavy use and are probably found in minor pieces of furniture.

Dado Joint

This is another joint that isn’t given much attention, but it’s still quite strong when used right. The dado has a slot cut into the surface of the wood and another piece is able to slide into it effortlessly and will only stop moving if there’s a stop at the end. The Dado's joint is used primarily for bookshelves, but it’s also been known to be useful for drawers as well to keep the bottoms in place.

The Dado's joint does have to be a bit deeper to give the bottom of the drawer more stability and prevent it from falling through. The collection of these joints are signs of excellent craftsmanship and stability when it comes to your drawers. When you’re shopping around for bedroom furniture in West Palm Beach keep an eye out for these joints since they’re a sign of quality furniture.

They’re not always easy to spot and can be found at the points where a drawer is connected, so you’ll have to pull it out to see them. They’re a sign that the furniture you’re looking at was built with functionality and durability in mind.
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Oak vs. Pine – Which Makes Better Living Room Furniture
Responsive imageWhen people want living room furniture in Fort Lauderdale, it can be a tough decision whether to go with Oak or Pinewood. These two types of woods are well known for their longevity, durability, and functionality compared to other materials used to make furniture. When comparing the two though, people often wonder if one is better than the other?

The Durability of Living Room Furniture in Fort Lauderdale

The first step towards understanding oak and pine wood is to know about the durability of each and how that plays out when it comes to furniture. You’ll find plenty of varieties at the furniture store in Fort Lauderdale to choose from, but what you want depends on what you’re looking for in the first place. One thing to keep in mind is that Oak is classified as a “hardwood” while pine is considered a “softwood”, but they’re both often lumped together. Being a hardwood, Oak is used for dining and living room sets but still looks good as bedroom furniture and cabinets.

Being a hardwood, oak is scratch resistant and more durable than most woods, making it perfect for heavy wear and tear. Pinewood, on the other hand, is more shock resistant, meaning it’s able to withstand being dropped better than oak. Pine is also slightly lighter in color than Oak, but both can pull off a light or dark stain if done right. The type of wood you want your furniture to be made out of depends on how it’s going to be used. Oak is good for furniture that is used by everyone while pine may be preferable for personal items like a favorite loveseat, a desk, etc.

The Cost of Living Room Furniture in Fort Lauderdale

Here at the furniture store in Fort Lauderdale, we enjoy helping people find the best furnishings to match their homes. We also understand that people like to save money and build a budget before heading out to start shopping. Oak and pine are both excellent materials, but what about the cost when it comes to furniture? You’d be surprised to know that oak wood furniture will usually cost more than its pine wood counterparts for a number of reasons. Oak first off takes longer to grow and is harder to care for, so more resources go into growing it. This drives up the price of furniture made from oak wood even though it’s more durable and serviceable compared to other pieces of furniture.

furniture store in Fort Lauderdale

Pinewood, on the other hand, grows faster and typically is not as hard to care for so furniture made from it is usually lower in price. This has made pine a viable lumber for many manufacturers since pinewood is easier to produce and doesn’t have as many resources going into it. On the other hand, going with furniture that is pinewood will mean it’s more prone to scratches and will need a little extra care compared to other pieces. The type of living room furniture in Fort Lauderdale you choose depends on the wood you prefer and which one sounds better.

Oak is excellent for people who are used to having friends and family drop by frequently but may not be recommended for people who don’t have company over at their home often. They may prefer pinewood instead since the price for it is cheaper and it’s shock resistant, making it perfect for people who prefer their own company. Each type of wood has its pros and cons, but ultimately it boils down to price and the preferences of the person making the purchase.

We’re always more than happy to help our customers choose the best type of furniture for their home and give recommendations on what would be best for their home. Feel free to browse our online store and find the perfect type of furniture that will be the best match for your home.
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How to Choose a Dresser for a Child's Room
Responsive imageWhether you're shifting into a new home or simply trying to remodel your living space, you require the suitable furniture. Furniture is actually more important than most of us realize. It's no wonder most people just grab the first set of chairs and couches they come across. However, if you're a discerning homeowner, you'll pick furniture that's not only appropriate but also matches your theme. Fortunately, our furniture stores South Florida offers a wide range of items, including baby dressers. A dresser is an important piece of bedroom furniture because of the organization it offers. Furthermore, it serves as a vital focal point of your room. If you're going to purchase one for your child you should consider these factors.


This is one of the major factors to consider when selecting the appropriate baby dresser because you'll have to budget for other baby-related costs. Different dressers come in a wide array of costs depending on whether they're used or new, the size, brand, and the materials used in the unit's construction. Generally, we recommend you research the various options thoroughly and select the highest quality that falls within your budget. This might imply opting for a high-quality dresser or selecting durability or brand. You'll discover our kids furniture South Florida offers a wide range of quality items at different price ranges.


This is crucial in selecting a dresser for your kid's nursery. It's advisable you choose a dresser that could also function as a changing table. You'll discover it's not only practical but also a great space saver. It's also important to have a detachable changing tray. You'll want a dresser with sufficient storage space to meet the room's needs. If a huge closet exists, perhaps a huge dresser isn't essential. However, if the room has restricted space, plenty of drawer space will be necessary.


Choosing the appropriate size for your kid's room is extremely important. Remember, if it's too big, the room will feel overcrowded and if it is too small, it will appear empty. Ensure you take note of the room's measurements, so you identify the amount of space you need to work with. You should also consider any existing furniture in the room. When you start shopping for this bedroom furniture, you'll be in a position to compare the dresser's measurements to the room you intend to place it.

Your Child's Age

The best way of saving money when purchasing bedroom furniture South Florida is by selecting furniture that will grow with your kid. For instance, if it's a girl, you might want to consider a broad dresser with a joined mirror. You don't have to worry about the hardware appearing too mature for the child since you could always replace the drawer handles with kid-friendly ones.


You have to select bright and light colors for your child's furniture. You'll discover that children typically don't care whether the style is traditional, minimalist, or modern. Rather, they're concerned about the colors. You can choose a dresser with tacon sheet or HPL décor sheet. You'll find these kinds of dressers are cheaper, have numerous colors, and you can change the color anytime. Remember, buying the most expensive furniture isn't a guarantee that your child will always like it.


You can't overlook the design element and the selection of the dresser is a vital part of the general feel and look of the room. It's important you choose something that complements the crib's look but bear in mind that the dresser will outlast the crib (particularly if you've selected a non-convertible crib). Ensure you select a dresser that won't tire you and will work for your child. It's also important you select something that's more timeless but less trendy.

Storage Needs

If your kid has started school, consider purchasing a chest with five or more drawers. These models make an excellent investment since they offer sufficient storage room and you can use them for several years to come. Younger kids typically have fewer items to store, so a chest with three drawers will suffice. Shopping for kids' bedroom furniture can be a fun experience for you and the child. If he or she is old enough, you might want to consider his or her opinion so he or she can help select the room's furniture. This way, the child will feel like he or she is a part of the process.
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