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Blog posts of '2021' 'May'

Spare Bonus Room Ideas: What To Do With That Extra Space In Your Home

spare bedroom ideas

Bonus rooms hold many meanings to a family upon entering different stages in life. A bonus room does not qualify as a particular room in your house, like a bedroom. In many instances, a bonus room can be an addition or remodel of a house. 

When there’s a room in a house that doesn't have a dedicated purpose, some homeowners are left wondering what they should do with your space. 

Creative planning and decorating will allow you to use the space most wisely. Bonus spaces are valuable when it comes to home layouts. Most of the time, bonus rooms are separate from the main living space and allow privacy for many different scenarios. 

By defining the bonus room as space you can use frequently, like an office or gaming room, you may find it to be one of the most frequented places in your home. Furthermore, turning this room into something useful can make a return investment. 

There are many options to consider what you can do with the extra space in your home. Below are just a few instances to inspire your decorating ideas.

Home Office

A lot of homeowners are looking to create an area where they can bring their work home. Since the start of the new year, working from home has become an essential part of some jobs. Having a spare bonus room offers a sectioned-off space to incorporate an office. 

Because bonus rooms are often separated from noisy areas like the kitchen, they offer the perfect place to buckle down and get work done.

Homework Room

If you find that you may not need the bonus room as a home office, you can designate the space as a homework area.

Some families find that their kids leave their school work all over the house. Turning a bonus room into a homework room can be a quick solution to avoid messy after-school shenanigans. 

Furthermore, if your kids are still distance learning this can be a great opportunity to incorporate an area for them and yourself to work.

Teen Hangout and Gaming Room

If you have a space in your home that can be dedicated to your children, a bonus room may be the ideal area. You can use the area to create a space specifically for them and their needs.

A typical space for your children may include:

You might also want to include a couch and a few bean bag chairs to make it a more child-friendly space.

Furthermore, dedicating a room to them can make it the perfect gathering spot for family game night, movie night, and having friends over.

Reading Room

If you have a love for books, a bonus room can be used to create a library or reading room. 

Create the room yourself with DIY shelving, or bookshelves from any hardware store. Add comfy seating and lamps for individual reading areas and you've created the perfect nook to escape from your household.  

Music Room

For those homeowners that have a house piano or children that play an instrument, a bonus room can serve as a music room. These rooms are usually more distant from the main living areas allowing more peace and quiet as someone practices.

Furthermore, instruments also take up a lot of space. A bonus room can keep them from lingering in your living room longer than you’d like. 

Home Gym 

Many people dedicate their extra space to a home gym. Depending on how big your bonus room is, you may be able to fit various workout machines and weights. You may also want to consider adding a drink cooler and ceiling or floor fans to your home gym to benefit most from your space.

Yoga Studio

If you don't think the full gym set will be the most beneficial to your household, you could always create a yoga studio instead. A yoga studio can be created with just a few yoga mats and yoga blocks. 

Additionally, adding a stereo to space can give you the motivation to practice your yoga poses for hours. 

Craft Room

For those individuals that like to do DIY crafts or embroidering, a spare room makes the perfect craft room. 

Crafts get messy and keeping organized can be difficult without the proper space and storage. Having a dedicated space to get artistic may help your creative process and growth.

Home Theater

Families that love to do movie night may find turning their spare room into a movie theater highly rewarding.

Turn your bonus room into a home theater with:

To further create the movie theater atmosphere, you can use a projector on the wall and add a microwave for easy access to making popcorn.

Bunk Room

A bunk room is a great way to establish privacy for guests when they come to visit. It offers an area for them to store their belongings without giving up your main living space. Moreover, it provides a great place for your kids to have sleepovers.

Creating a bunk room is intended to maximize your space. Dedicating a bonus room as a bunk room offers homeowners extra living space for themselves and guests. 

Contact Us

From using your bonus space as a kid's getaway to your getaway, there's no wrong answer in turning your bonus room into a space you desire. 

For more cool bonus room ideas and creative decor options, contact us at Badcock Furniture. We are here to help you turn that bonus room from a storage room into the area of the home where you and your family hang out the most.

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Essential Design Elements for A Stylish And Organized Home Entrance

home entrance and foyer area

A home entrance may be one of the most important spaces you invest your time in. It is a catch-all space that guests, family members, or anyone visiting you will have to walk through. 

A home entryway has many jobs; it's the landing place for your kids, animals, significant others, and even you after a long day. Since it has so many jobs, your entryway may get a little crowded and out-of-place.

For an updated design and entryway organization that will have you easily transition from the workday to home life, follow this updated design guide. 

The Typical Items For An Entryway Design

The home entrance is the area that welcomes everyone into your home. Whether it be the food delivery driver or a salesman trying to sell you something, everyone will see it.

The first step to recreating an entryway with organization is to be realistic. If you drop your keys or sift through the mail by the front door, it will be beneficial to include a place for those items to go.

The typical entryway to a home will include places for you to drop your keys, take off your shoes and coat, leaf through the mail, and anything else you typically do before entering the rest of your home. 

Some vital design elements for your home entrance can include hooks, a bench, cubbies, shoe holder, mail holder, baskets, or a rug.


Hooks are used in any type of space and offer help when you're trying to declutter. Hanging a hook in an entryway can provide an area for you to hang coats, hats, umbrellas, or keys. 

When it comes to getting organized, a hook can be used in large and small spaces.

Any type of hook will help to declutter the floor, but there are a few designs you can consider. There is the single hook and then the two-prong and circular style which both tend to be the best at holding a myriad of items.


Benches are a staple to home entryways, but they are usually under thought when coming to front entrance decoration. 

They offer the perfect area to sit while taking your shoes on and off. Buying a bench with shelving underneath or one that hinges open can multiply your storage options. Hinged benches are perfect if your home doesn't have a coat closet. You can store extra coats or shoes in the bench area where no one will see them.

Wooden benches are good options in a busy family environment as they offer more durability than upholstered benches. They are also easier to clean with animals and children in the home.

Cubbies & Baskets

Cubbies are another popular option for homeowners as they amplify your storage space. If you have cubbies in your home you can use them to store bags or shoes. You can also place knick-knacks on the top that you find convenient or cute. 

If you prefer to keep an even tidier area than the cubbies allow, you can purchase baskets that fit in the space. By choosing to use baskets, you can now design the foyer to more of your preference.

Baskets can be used as catch-alls for accessories like umbrellas or bags, and are perfect for guests’ belongings when they come over.

Shoe Holder

Instead of a cubby for your shoes, a lot of homeowners resort to choosing a closed storage area. The shoe storage should only be big enough to hold your everyday shoes. That could mean your go-to sneakers, sandals, slides, or work shoes. 

The convenience of having them by your front door is beneficial as you don't have to see or smell them. You also won't have to search through your other shoes for your most worn pairs.

The most helpful part of having a shoe holder at a home entrance is the ability to hide your shoes while creating an efficient way to store them.

Mail Holder

Mail holders range in style and are an easy way to create an area for bringing in and sifting through the mail. 

You can find a cute bowl, long dish, envelope box, or specified mail organizer to hold your mail.


A rug can create the pop of color you desire in your entryway design. This high-trafficked area is the perfect place to include a durable, stylish rug. It can also create a defined area in your home if you have an open concept layout. 

To find the perfect match for you, aim to buy one that will stand up to the elements, such as rain, snow, or mud, and is resistant enough to individuals taking on and off shoes. Most rugs are also sold with good traction that helps you avoid slips and falls.  

Furthermore, you will want to consider a rug that is easy to clean. Rugs made from cotton, silk, bamboo, or sheepskin are not ideal entryway materials. Wool rugs naturally resist dirt, are easier to clean, and work to reduce noise in the area it's being used. 

What Not To Include In Your Entryway Design

When you go to design your front entrance some items should not be included in your entryway. Some of those include:

  • An expensive rug

  • Let clutter happen

  • Cheap curtains

  • Wild colors

  • Large furniture 

  • Family photos

Make An Impression

As a homeowner, you aim to welcome and impress your guests. Making a good impression on your guests starts with room decor and the space they walk into. Making the right choices on design elements and decor can help your entryway make an impression. By creating this space, you will have an inviting and timeless foyer that is also well organized. 

To make an impression in an entryway, many homeowners resort to using wallpaper. Wallpaper can add texture to an area and create a lively atmosphere for welcoming guests. For those that have smaller entryways, wallpaper is ideal for capitalizing on wall and ceiling space. It also allows you to bring in your flare of style as the homeowner. 

A faceted mirror or plain mirror with no frame can be a great way to amplify the natural light in the space. If you have a front door with a window, you can place the mirror across from that to catch the best sun. For those that have symmetrical windows beside your front door, you can center the mirror to catch the best light. Those without natural light sources can still make use of a mirror in their foyer. 

A mirror may be another impressionable decor item but it also has its practical uses. For those that run late, or just like to make sure you look good, a mirror in the home entryway is the perfect place to do last-minute outfit and make-up checks.

There are other ways to make an impression in your home entryway, but those require more effort and are referred to as insta-worthy spaces.

Instagram-Worthy: Think Outside The Box

For those that believe in the presentation of a room, an insta-worthy entryway is another way to create an entryway design. Insta-worthy entryways don't have much of a difference from the regular foyer but include more statement pieces that leave people asking, “how did you think of that?”

If you're looking to make an impression with your front entrance decor, you can include pieces like:

  • An antiqued chair or vintage dresser. Use it as a staple piece. It will create a warm, nostalgic look that meshes with any style choice.

  • A bold accent wall.

  • Wall art or a gallery wall to showcase some of your favorite photos and travels. A group of frames piques interest in people. Although, you may want to stray from family photos and save those further inside your home.

  • A wall with pegboards to place or hang what you'd like on it.

  • A lighting fixture or statement chandelier will draw the attention of the eye up and create a more illuminating foyer.

  • Candles or essential oils to make your entrance smell refreshing.

At Badcock, we believe creating insta-worthy entryways can be done in any entryway size. If you feel that your space cannot create an inviting foyer, you can consider it an opportunity to challenge yourself in interior design. 

Contact us

If you don't have a dedicated foyer area, you can create one with any bench, hook, and basket. However, if you want to create a space that keeps people talking, you will want to consider more outside-the-box options.

When you start to design your home entrance, contact us for creative ways to complete your design.

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Top Trending Furniture Colors in 2021

trending furniture colors 2021

This year, the trends are drawing on the comfort of being home while also creating an effort to bring the outside world in. 

A great way to accomplish this is with color and accessories, such as choosing the most popular furniture colors and wall paint.

After the year 2020, a lot of homeowners feel stuck and have found the inspiration to revamp their living space. If you are one of those individuals, there’s always a paint color of the year that can help you determine how in-tune you want to be with the trends. 

Popular Furniture Colors and Paint Trends

There is always a number one paint color chosen as the color of the year, but there are also other colors that are always close behind. 

The top 6 colors of 2021 to include in your home— and not just as paint— are:

  • French vanilla (yellow-creamish tones)

  • Mint

  • Hazelnut (light brown)

  • Gray-green

  • Warm gray 

  • Soft pink

Brighter wall paint is becoming more popularized as homeowners aim to bring light and create joy in their homes. Bright colors aim to bring warmth, comfort, peace, and hope after a year of tumultuous ups and downs. Furthermore, popular furniture colors incorporate many of these tones in fabric, wood, metal, glass and stained glass. 

These top trending paint and furniture colors can bring bright pops of color to a forgotten space and create a rich atmosphere for your family and friends. 

Choosing The Right Color

Knowing your choice in color is the first step to choosing the right scheme for your home. 

After considering your color choices, such as the ones above, and choosing which best compliments you, you can build the rest of your living space around that. 

The significance behind each paint color can vary from individual to individual. However, the color still evokes a general feeling in all. For example, yellow evokes a sense of happiness and reminds many of sunshine. Blue reminds many of the ocean and sky and helps incorporate a brilliant outdoor hue that inspires joy. Another popular color includes pink, dusty pink, magenta, fuchsia, or raspberry and is a great tone that bears warm and cool properties. 

By choosing a delicate tone, such as dusty pink, you will be able to incorporate brighter, contrasting hues like lemon yellow, navy, or emerald green. 

Mixing Popular Furniture Colors and Wall Paint

Many of the new home designs feature a grayish tone with blue accents and glass or wood interiors. However, the gray that most individuals see in newer homes is being replaced with more vibrant hues— like blue— that allow for extra light to come in.

As a homeowner, the dominant color you choose as your wall paint does not have to be used in every room. It’s a space to create your own sanctuary for yourself and your family. 

After you have chosen a dominant color for your space, you can accent it with hints of different hues you find are inspiring.

There are many alternative ways to incorporate popular furniture colors, paint, and accessories as a homeowner, such as:

  • Using shades of white with your choice of color, and/or wood accent tones to inspire a farmhouse style.

  • Using muted and saturated red shades with yellow, orange, green, and brown tones to create an older fashioned look.

  • Using brown, beige, green, gray to create neutral, earthy tones.

  • Using rich, noble shades like black and purple with metal elements, and refined crystal accents to fashion a luxurious atmosphere.

Popular Furniture Colors and Finishes

In 2021, popular furniture colors are just as debatable as the popular furniture finishes you see in a home. 

As a homeowner, choosing the right color furniture may be more of a daunting task than choosing a dominant paint color. Just last year, you may have seen darker stains and wall paint as the trend. Now, the trend has shifted to create an airier atmosphere where families can relax and enjoy the natural light, essentially bringing the outside in. 

In more ways than one, homeowners are starting the trend of wicker furniture, stone textures, metal furnishings, plants, and glass pieces in their homes. Using natural materials in 2021 is a fashionable way to create an indoor space that mimics the outdoors.

Additionally, homeowners still use dark brown woods, wicker, and rattan in homes, but woods like oak are becoming popular. Homeowners are straying from the popular painted furniture look and are leaving the pieces raw. Lighter wood colors like ash, birch, and pine are becoming more popular as homeowners aim to bring a light and airy atmosphere to the room.

If you like the look of darker stained furniture, you can include rich tones in an otherwise neutral space. Not only does a paint color spruce up your home, but the choice in furniture color and accessories help create a seamless interior design look.

Mixing Materials and Decorating

Furthermore, using a mix of two or more materials can provide the contrast you're looking for in texture and pattern in your home. 

The most popular furniture color sometimes doesn't matter, but texture and patterns will catch the eye of your guests.

A popular trend right now in the kitchen boasts a two-tone countertop look; imagine your space with concrete and butcher block countertops or different colored lower and upper cabinets.

Homeowners also have the opportunity to add color with area rugs, linens, and décor. Many people are looking for ways to create stability and add comfort to their homes. This can be accomplished by simply adding a rug and blanket around the couch to make your home feel more complete.

Contact Us 

To be better in tune with today’s most popular furniture color trends, contact us. At Badcock Furniture, we encourage you to create a space in your home that you can call a sanctuary.

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Why Small Bedroom Chests Are A Good Addition To Your Home

small bedroom chests

Small bedroom chests are a must-have for almost every home out there today. No matter how many people live in your household, you need a proper storage space to put your clothes, socks, shorts, and just about anything else you need. Chests can be put anywhere in the house and create a convenient and cost-effective way of storing your items, whatever they may be. At
Badcock Furniture of South Florida, we offer many different styles and colors that can match just about any home. 

Chests fit perfectly in any bedroom and create a convenient and effortless way to store anything you need. They can also be placed in bathrooms or other areas of the house as well. Storage may not be the first thing on everyone’s mind when they think of necessary house appliances but they are essential to your daily routine. Not only does it add spice to your bedroom and home but it also creates an effective place to put all your attire and accessories. 

If you are looking for quality furniture, look no further than Badcock Furniture. We provide speedy delivery with a broad selection of chests, along with many other furniture options! It is one thing picking out any piece of furniture and it’s a whole other process picking out a chest that matches your needs and style. Chests are a necessity when it comes to your home and bedroom, so why not get a piece that matches your lifestyle and needs effortlessly?

Practical Storage Space

Many people often have clothes scattered throughout their house due to a lack of storage space. With kids, this situation can be even more of a problem. Investing in a good-sized dresser will mitigate this stress and prevent wastage of time trying to find things in cluttered chests. This type of furniture functions as a space to store all different kinds of clothes, while simultaneously keeping clutter in your room to a minimum. With Badcock chest furniture, all your worries about ample storage space for your clothing can be put to rest. Our sturdy, multi-drawer chests will allow you to store layers and layers of clothes in an organized fashion.

Each one of our dressers is designed with the perfect combination of durability and function. If you have been looking for a small bedroom chest with little success, the perfect place to find one you love is at Badcock Home Furniture & More. 

Purchasing a Badcock bedroom chest will put an end to the countless times you’ve tried to find a matching pair of socks for your daughter from the tiny dresser in her bedroom. You can say goodbye to all the instances where you couldn’t find the shirt you like from your small bedroom chest that is stuffed with other clothes. Buying chest furniture from Badcock Home Furniture & More will allow you to have a practical solution to these everyday problems.

So Many Styles and Options to Choose From!

Finding the right bedroom chest can set the tone for the rest of the room and serve as a beautiful piece that can complement other furniture you have. In addition to the practicality that our chest furniture offers, they also serve as stylish additions to your room. Whether you are looking for something classy, modern, old-fashioned, or sleek, Badcock has it all. 

Our various pieces of chest furniture come in several different colors, from smooth ivory to walnut brown to metallic gray to deep, shiny onyx. No matter what kind of personal style you or your house has, you’ll find what you’re looking for at Badcock Furniture. 

Our bedroom chests also come in a variety of styles. One of our most popular items, the Summit Cherry Chest, has a classic, modern style with gold metal knobs and features a cherry-brown finish. If you are looking for something more sophisticated and glamorous, our Olivet Metallic Chest is the perfect furniture piece. This bedroom chest has a silver coating with metal undertones, crystal-adorned pull knobs, and a design featuring multiple textural patterns that complement the uniqueness of this piece of furniture.

Our Grace White Looking Glass Chest is a furniture piece that has the best of both worlds -- the classic design of the chest is enhanced by the delicate ivory white color, ornamental handles, and the flowery design that adorns the edges. What differentiates this chest furniture piece from others is the decorative mirror on its right side. This chest is sure to be a charming, beautiful addition to your little one’s room. The Summit Cherry Chest, Olivet Metallic Chest, and Grace White Looking Glass Chest are just some of the stylish dressers available at Badcock Home Furniture & More.

Chests that Will Bring Your Bedroom to the Next Level

With a huge selection of bedroom chests that our store has to offer, we are certain that each and every customer can find one that they absolutely adore, and at a reasonable price that they will like even better! Investing in a chest of drawers can instantly open up space throughout your room(s) and can serve as a practical, yet stylish way to organize your clothes. 

Chances are you probably have an old or underwhelming chest in your bedroom or bathroom. Chests are not only incredible additions to your bedroom but it also showcases your style and home without even trying. But at Badcock Furniture, we know how important picking out the right piece of furniture for your home really is. Whether you live alone or have a family, chests are a necessity. No matter who you are, having a place to put all your clothing, accessories, and personal belongings is a must-have. 

Looking for bedroom chests can be tricky at first. If you live in South Florida, Badcock locations in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Pompano Beach, Plantation, Hollywood, Lake Worth, Lake Park, Cutler Bay, Miami Gardens, or Florida City, can make finding the perfect chest furniture an easy task. We’ll help you out every step of the way until you find what you are looking for. Finding that perfect set that matches your home and personal style is just a few clicks away! 

Upgrade Your Home at Badcock Furniture of South Florida

There is no better place to get quality and affordable furniture than at Badcock Home Furniture & More. We have a great variety of different styles, designs, and furniture options - whatever you need, we have it! We make the process hassle-free and smooth so you can enjoy your home or office to the fullest extent. We have everything from chests to electronics to chairs, and anything else you need. Now’s the perfect time to upgrade your furniture to the next level! 

From ample storage space to various style options, purchasing chest furniture from Badcock is an easy process. Our experienced professionals will make sure to help you find the bedroom chest of your dreams! We help you get the best deals on quality furniture, ones that both you and your guests will be happy to enjoy. Visit our website or give us a call to get more information about our products and learn about our delivery process.
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Flower Arrangements For Living Room Sets

floral arrangements for living rooms

People love making the inside of their homes inviting. One of the best ways to decorate is with flower arrangements.
Floral living room sets accentuate the style of your decor. Also, they act as accent pieces within your space. Uncovering the benefits of using faux flowers around your house will make you want to find the perfect items.

Why Use Flower Arrangements in Your Home?

Indeed, flowers are delicate and add vibrance to any space. When you bring nature indoors, it boosts your mood. As a result, you feel more relaxed and comfortable. Even faux arrangements have the same effects.

Besides your mood, flowers promote creative thinking, which makes them ideal for your home office. Texas A&M University conducted a study that showed flowers encourage productivity.

Benefits of Using Faux Flowers as Decorating Pieces

Although you may decorate with fresh flowers, it makes more sense to enjoy the benefits of faux flower arrangements. First, when you use artificial flowers, there are no seasonal restrictions. For instance, if you like lilies or sunflowers, faux flowers make it possible to keep these items on display all year. Also, they are friendly to pets.

Most importantly, artificial flowers require little maintenance. For instance, you never have to worry about daily watering or sunlight. Dining room table flower arrangements and other plants will always look fresh and new. Finally, artificial flowers last a long time. They never die. With simple dusting, these remain clean and beautiful throughout your home. At Badcock Furniture, all of our arrangements are created from top materials that complement any decor.

Where to Place Flower Arrangements

Luckily, our floral arrangements can be placed anywhere.

Flower Arrangement for Living Room Table

A flower arrangement for living room tablespaces is popular. Flowers add a touch of brightness to space. Whether you have a formal living room or a more family-friendly area, it is simple to decorate with a vase. A large planter can bring life to an empty corner as well.

Dining Room Table Flower Arrangements

Whether you are hosting a meal or not, a beautiful floral arrangement is always welcome on the dining room table. It creates a focal point in the room. Matching flower colors to the color on your walls provides an elegant look. A special centerpiece is ideal for a holiday celebration as well.

Kitchen Flower Arrangements

Some homeowners place bowls of fruit on kitchen countertops as decorations. However, a nice arrangement is even better. Flowers can be subtle and complement other parts of your kitchen. A monochromatic arrangement adds impact without being too much for space.

Home Office Floral Arrangements

To repeat, floral arrangements are ideal for a home office. They encourage a productive work environment and drive creative juices. A small vase can be placed on your desktop or windowsill. You can play with colors and sizes to provide an inspiring atmosphere as well.

Bedroom Floral Arrangements

Certainly, waking up to the sight of flowers sets a productive tone for the day. A small pot or vase is perfect for your nightstand or dresser. As the sun shines inside, you will feel energized and renewed. On the other hand, floral arrangements offer a feeling of optimism during rainy days as well.

Enjoy the Delightful Selection from Badcock Furniture

Although you can go to a florist and spend a fortune on flowers for your home, a more sensible solution is perusing the floral arrangements and decorations available at Badcock Furniture. We proudly offer the finest quality floral living room sets and other pieces that brighten any home. You can choose from a traditional or contemporary style so that you complement your existing decor. To uncover floral arrangements that make your home pop, contact us today.

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