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Helping Community Leaders to Serve Palm Beach County

Responsive imageFor over a century, Badcock Home Furniture has been one of the premier destinations for home furnishings and appliances. From humble beginnings in Mulberry Florida to the expansion that resulted in showrooms from West Palm Beach all the way down to Florida City, Badcock continues to be a community focused company that offers durable, affordable, and gorgeous furniture for modern homes.

Our business expansion has brought us closer to the community throughout Florida, and it would be impossible to overlook the fact that without the community, we would not be where we are today. The support of our customers has always been something that we’re incredibly proud of, and that’s why at Badcock, we don’t hesitate to give back to the community whenever we can.

Changing the Fundamental Relationship Between Businesses and Consumers

The relationship between a business and its customers is always important. Without a strong relationship, our business would not have experienced huge growth for more than 100 years in Florida. We take pride in providing the highest quality furniture on the market, at highly competitive prices. However, for our team, being the best at what we do is simply not enough. It takes a lot of planning, management, and logistics to ensure that we can supply the top furniture and appliances throughout South Florida, and many of the skills that we use to run our business can also be applied to community outreach efforts.

It makes sense. We’re highly organized and have some of the highest quality furniture collections that you’ll find anywhere in the state. There are organizations in the community that could use our expertise and inventory and put it to use by serving those in need. This is one of the reasons why we quickly jumped on board with an opportunity to work with The Lord’s Place in Florida. We believe in programs that support the local community, and the work that this organization does is nothing short of inspiring.

The Lord’s Place – Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness

The Lord’s Place has an unwavering commitment to breaking the cycle of homelessness in Palm Beach County. Like our furniture business, this organization has grown from humble beginnings to a network of campuses throughout the county. There are many wonderful stories of businesses coming together to help the community in this state, but none are as inspiring as that of The Lord’s Place. The organization has served more than 1,500 clients in Florida who were in their deepest time of need. Housing has been provided for almost 350 individuals, and 95% of The Lord’s Place clients find housing within a year.

There are an active outreach and engagement program and helps the homeless in Florida to find jobs that are related to their skills and interests. A job readiness program provides training and preparation for re-entering the workforce, and there’s even a mental health program that provides necessary support and rehabilitation for those that need it. More than 98% of the clients that pass through the mental health program are medically sound by the time they are discharged.

It is reasons like these that inspired us to work with The Lord’s Place, as it is absolutely clear that they are an integral part of the Palm Beach County community. Homelessness is an unnecessary and heartbreaking aspect of modern society, and at Badcock Furniture, the work of this organization touched our whole team in the most profound way.

Working with The Lord’s Place

We recently had the opportunity to work directly with The Lord’s Place to provide furnishings for some of their clients in need. Finding new housing is only the first step in restoring dignity and independence to the homeless. Purchasing furnishings can be expensive, and a helping hand is always appreciated. It was our pleasure to work with The Lord’s Place to offer charity furnishings recently, and we hope to work together again soon.

The Lord’s Place operates without a profit, contributing the majority of their revenue to housing, job training, community engagement, and social enterprises. If you want to learn more about the organization or if you want to contribute, please visit them online. If you want to talk to Badcock Furniture about a community project, provide feedback, or if you need beautiful, affordable, and top-quality furniture, then contact us today.
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