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Blog posts tagged with 'living room furniture south florida'

Dovetail Joints vs. Finger Joints in Hardwood Furniture
Responsive imageHardwood furniture is as elegant as it is durable and sturdy. From dressers and hope chests to bar stools and chairs, Badcock features a full line of hardwood sets at our many furniture stores across South Florida. This includes living room furniture and accessories – handcrafted from fine wooden grains and elements. Whether in the market for pine desks, oak flooring, or even Redwood trim wall paneling, we feature an extensive range of finely crafted, exquisite hardwood selections for your convenience. In fact, one stop to one of our stores is all you need to access the latest in modern, contemporary and traditional styles.

Dovetail Joints versus Finger Joints

In our last discussion, we highlighted the many benefits of both Dovetail joints and Finger joints in furniture manufacturing. Whether for luxurious dining tables or kid’s bedroom furniture, hardwood joints are much more than fastening and holding accessories. In fact, the right-style joints can truly add a decorative element to any type of hardwood furniture. Here are some comparisons and benefits between these joints for hardwood furniture selections of DIY projects:
  • Dovetail joints are considered the ideal choice for hardwood furniture making; frames, hope chests, tables, wall paneling, wall units, entertainment centers, etc.
  • Dovetail joints have convenient mechanical lock features. This helps secure a streamlined, centralized appearance without having to worry about industrial glue scrapes and residue.
  • Dovetail joints are more decorative than traditional finger or box joints for hardwood furniture.
  • Finger or box joints enable better surface areas for gluing joints. Similarly, they have greater racking strength, durability, and versatility than dovetail joints.
  • Finger – box joints and/or industrial glues and adhesives are a better choice than some dovetail joints that are slimmer in design. However, the latter is a better decorative option for slim-lined hardwood furniture or accessories.
  • Finger joints are easier for wood assembly projects and have the same strength as butt joints. They only lack the decorative elements that can enhance any hardwood style or décor project.

The Beauty and Versatility of Wood

Wood can truly add a touch of class to any home décor in South Florida. From Elm and Oak to Pine and Redwood, wood grains are utilized in all types of furniture and accessory manufacturing. At Badcock, we are proud to showcase a myriad of wood-based furniture sets and accessories at cost-affordable rates. This includes desks and bar stools, along with chairs and especially flooring and wood paneling. Similarly, we also feature exquisite dining room sets, along with elegant furnishings and wall mounts. Here are a few more reasons to shop for your hardwood products and items at Badcock:
  • A huge selection of bedroom, dining, living, and bathroom furniture and accessories for homes and businesses.
  • Promotional discounts, daily specials, weekly specials, and more for new and returning customers.
  • Large gallery showcase of all the latest in hardwood flooring, furniture, accessories, wall mounts, mirrors, entertainment centers, and much more.
  • Huge line of Persian Rugs, Oriental Rugs, and all hardwood – parquet – vinyl – acetate flooring types and selections.
  • Dedicated customer service reps, interior designers, and furniture specialists with years of extensive industry experience.

The Badcock Guarantee

At Badcock Furniture, we are genuinely committed to meeting all your hardwood and furnishings needs. While other furniture companies only care about landing sales, we are dedicated to achieving all your desired results. Whether looking for wooden sets with pure or mixed grains – or the latest in stylish and trendy sets – we have it all at Badcock and More of South Florida. From Miami to Orlando and all points in between, we feature the finest blend of wood-based items and accessories at cost-affordable rates. You simply need to visit our website or one of our many locations across South Florida. This will connect you with the right furniture pieces and sets you need to enhance your home or business. For more information, simply contact Badcock today or visit our website.
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How to Choose a Dresser for a Child's Room
Responsive imageWhether you're shifting into a new home or simply trying to remodel your living space, you require the suitable furniture. Furniture is actually more important than most of us realize. It's no wonder most people just grab the first set of chairs and couches they come across. However, if you're a discerning homeowner, you'll pick furniture that's not only appropriate but also matches your theme. Fortunately, our furniture stores South Florida offers a wide range of items, including baby dressers. A dresser is an important piece of bedroom furniture because of the organization it offers. Furthermore, it serves as a vital focal point of your room. If you're going to purchase one for your child you should consider these factors.


This is one of the major factors to consider when selecting the appropriate baby dresser because you'll have to budget for other baby-related costs. Different dressers come in a wide array of costs depending on whether they're used or new, the size, brand, and the materials used in the unit's construction. Generally, we recommend you research the various options thoroughly and select the highest quality that falls within your budget. This might imply opting for a high-quality dresser or selecting durability or brand. You'll discover our kids furniture South Florida offers a wide range of quality items at different price ranges.


This is crucial in selecting a dresser for your kid's nursery. It's advisable you choose a dresser that could also function as a changing table. You'll discover it's not only practical but also a great space saver. It's also important to have a detachable changing tray. You'll want a dresser with sufficient storage space to meet the room's needs. If a huge closet exists, perhaps a huge dresser isn't essential. However, if the room has restricted space, plenty of drawer space will be necessary.


Choosing the appropriate size for your kid's room is extremely important. Remember, if it's too big, the room will feel overcrowded and if it is too small, it will appear empty. Ensure you take note of the room's measurements, so you identify the amount of space you need to work with. You should also consider any existing furniture in the room. When you start shopping for this bedroom furniture, you'll be in a position to compare the dresser's measurements to the room you intend to place it.

Your Child's Age

The best way of saving money when purchasing bedroom furniture South Florida is by selecting furniture that will grow with your kid. For instance, if it's a girl, you might want to consider a broad dresser with a joined mirror. You don't have to worry about the hardware appearing too mature for the child since you could always replace the drawer handles with kid-friendly ones.


You have to select bright and light colors for your child's furniture. You'll discover that children typically don't care whether the style is traditional, minimalist, or modern. Rather, they're concerned about the colors. You can choose a dresser with tacon sheet or HPL décor sheet. You'll find these kinds of dressers are cheaper, have numerous colors, and you can change the color anytime. Remember, buying the most expensive furniture isn't a guarantee that your child will always like it.


You can't overlook the design element and the selection of the dresser is a vital part of the general feel and look of the room. It's important you choose something that complements the crib's look but bear in mind that the dresser will outlast the crib (particularly if you've selected a non-convertible crib). Ensure you select a dresser that won't tire you and will work for your child. It's also important you select something that's more timeless but less trendy.

Storage Needs

If your kid has started school, consider purchasing a chest with five or more drawers. These models make an excellent investment since they offer sufficient storage room and you can use them for several years to come. Younger kids typically have fewer items to store, so a chest with three drawers will suffice. Shopping for kids' bedroom furniture can be a fun experience for you and the child. If he or she is old enough, you might want to consider his or her opinion so he or she can help select the room's furniture. This way, the child will feel like he or she is a part of the process.
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Buy a New Set of Furniture for Your Home this Summer
Responsive imageEven if you’re not buying a new home, there may come a point in your life where you need to change things around a bit and we are of course talking about furniture. Summer is coming, so do you really want to stick with the same set that you’ve had for the last few years? Let’s face it, change is good and quality furniture is going to make it all that much better. Let’s talk about a few of the things that you need to look for when you want to buy new décor from furniture stores in South Florida this summer.

Buying Quality Pieces from Furniture Stores in South Florida

This summer, you want to make sure that you’re not cutting corners just because of cost. A cheaper piece of furniture might be more attractive but when it comes right down to it, you really do get what you pay for, and what you pay for could be junk. For example, you could grab a desk online for $30 but is it really going to last for several years? The answer is probably no, and that is precisely why you need to consider going beyond the particle board and investing in some of the hardwood offerings right here at our store.

Make Sure it Matches the Rest of your Décor

furniture stores in South Florida

Whether you’re shopping for bedroom furniture in South Florida or living room furniture in South Florida, you need to make sure that you’re choosing pieces that match the rest of your home décor unless your plan is to completely redecorate. There are a few important things to take into account when you are choosing a piece of furniture:

Style – Every piece of furniture will bring a unique style to the table. For example, you could have a pedestal table or even one that simply has the normal four legs. The choices for all of your rooms are nearly limitless, but make sure you have a look around before you rush to furniture stores in South Florida and start stocking up on new pieces.

Color – There are two different things that you will need to take into account when looking at the color of the furniture. First you have the color of the stain that was used, and secondly, you have the color of the wood underneath. Something important to take into account is that different types of wood are different colors, and sometimes the stain used may or may not make a huge difference. For a better result, learn what types of wood have been used in the furniture you have at home and make sure you’re getting something that will match.

Practicality – How practical do you want your furniture to be? That’s a question that everyone really needs to ask themselves when they are in the process of buying furniture, is exactly how practical the furniture is. Does it have storage? Is there enough surface space? Will it be comfortable? You might be tempted to buy furniture in South Florida on a hunch, but we’re here to tell you that you should avoid it.

Size – Finally, the one thing that people tend to ignore the most when they are purchasing furniture is the size. How large is it, and will it fit in the area. Look at the dimensions, look at your space, and decide accordingly.

Getting the best furniture for your space is always going to be a matter of great difficulty, but you don’t have to worry about quality if you’re shopping at the right store. Take a look at what we have to offer, and once you find it, don’t forget to look at the accessories we offer. Under the seasonal section, you’ll find everything you need to get ready for summer. In addition to that, don’t forget to add some new electronics to your home to really finish off the look and to make it all far more functional.
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Four Tips For Refinishing Wood Furniture
Responsive imageEveryone has a piece of wood furniture in their home that's seen better days. The finish looks worn out, there are parts missing, or it's just looking old and tired. No matter what it is, you can refinish it yourself and get your furniture back into action. Here are 4 tips for refinishing your wood furniture that will make the process easy and effective.

1. Clean It Up

Before you do anything, give that piece of furniture a good cleaning. You'd be amazed at how much good a deep clean will do for your old coffee table or armoire. The first thing to do will be to mix up a simple solution of soapy water. Dish soap and warm water is perfect for this, so mix it up in the same proportions you'd use for your dishes. Then, get a sponge and gently clean off all the surfaces of this piece of furniture. Sometimes, a good cleaning is all it needs, especially if it's been sat in storage or in a dusty attic. To get into any nooks and crannies, a good paintbrush is just the thing.

furniture stores South Florida

2. Remove White Rings

When you get white rings on your furniture, it feels as though the finish is ruined for good. In fact, many people go to furniture stores South Florida and buy all new furniture if they feel the finish has taken enough of a battering. However, it is possible to remove those white rings, and it's an easy job too. Simply take some petroleum jelly, apply it liberally to the mark, and let it sit overnight. It should penetrate the finish and visibly remove the mark. If you find this doesn't work, the next best step is to buy a dedicated white ring removal product. Read reviews before you buy, to ensure you're getting a good quality product.

3. Scrape Off Spattered Paint

Old paint marks are common on older pieces of furniture or anything that was in the way when you were painting the room! It's easier than you'd think to get it off though, without having to totally strip the finish. All you need is a straight razor and some masking tape. Apply the masking tape to the ends of the razor, and then bend it slightly so it curves. The masking tape will keep the razor from touching the wood itself, only scraping off the paint. Curving the blade will give you more control over it too. It's a very simple fix, but it works well.

4. Fill In Any Missing Wood

Anyone who's into home decor South Florida will know how irritating it is if your table gets chipped, or a chunk gets taken out of it. It looks bad, but it's wood and it can be fixed. The secret is in buying wood filler epoxy. This inexpensive epoxy looks and acts like putty, which you can mold and shape to fit the section that's missing in your furniture. when it dries and hardens, it'll look and act just like wood. To make it fit in well, the best thing to do is to apply the putty, and then re-stain or finish the furniture to make it blend in with the real wood. It takes a little work, but it will look perfect once it's done. If you're going to attempt any refinishing on your furniture, it's best to test any products or techniques on an inconspicuous area first.

If the product doesn't work well or creates more problems, you won't be giving yourself more work! As well as this, it's always worth talking to an expert if you're not sure. It's also worth considering buying higher quality furniture the next time you go furniture shopping. If you buy good quality wood, it's less likely to crack or peel under everyday use. This means you'll spend less time refinishing it and more time enjoying it as intended.

These four tips should help you fix the most common issues with older wooden furniture pieces. Take good care of your furniture, and it should last you for years to come. If you're looking for new wooden furniture, check out the high-quality pieces we have available in store, today.
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Upholster or Replace - How to Decide
Responsive imageIf your old furniture looks a little lackluster and you're thinking of investing in new pieces, it's important you consider what works best for you, purchasing new or upholstering? Both options can be advantageous for various situations; upholstering is frequently a much easier process compared to making a new purchase. This option can save you hassle, time, and in numerous instances, cost. On the other hand, purchasing new can be a better choice if your existing furniture isn't high quality and you wish to change the style or size of the sofa. In the event that you decide to buy new, our furniture stores South Florida will ensure you purchase the right pieces to suit your style and budget. If you're debating whether to buy new or upholstery, here's how to decide.


You must consider whether your furniture's frame was well constructed. If the construction of the old upholstered furniture piece was good and had a hardwood frame and it's in good condition, perhaps it's worth upholstering. However, if the old furniture doesn't offer sufficient back support and you realize that it's uncomfortable and difficult to get out of, it's obvious your furniture is revealing signs of structural issues and probably requires replacement from our living room furniture South Florida. If you're in doubt whether your furniture is salvageable, we recommend you remove the bottom cover and examine inside. If you discover the furniture has inferior woods and broken supports, upholstering isn't worth it. Don't be concerned if the cushions are sunken in or deteriorated as they're usually replaced when upholstered.

How it Feels

The first thing you must establish is whether your furniture feels sturdy. Wobbling, dead spots, squeaking, or if you can feel the springs through the cushions, these are indications that furniture requires structural attention. Bear in mind that structural repairs, for instance, fixing the frame can be expensive. Furthermore, the extent of repairs may be incredibly extensive or minimal. For instance, if you need a cushion re-stuffed because your dog chewed it up, it may cost approximately $120 including the fabric cost; hopefully, you won't have a problem with the fabric match. However, if a sofa requires a total overhaul (which entails new springs, cushions, and the support system replaced or rebuilt), the story is different.


Another important factor that will help you determine whether to buy or upholster furniture is the cost. Generally, upholstering costs approximately 50-65% or less than buying a new piece. However, the proportion is dependent on the kind of fabric that needs replacement and any structural repairs an upholsterer needs to perform. Make sure you compare the purchase of new well-constructed furniture versus upholstering an old one. We've discovered that it's usually less costly to upholster furniture than buying new quality pieces because you own the frame already. In some instances, upholstering may cost more but it may be worth it if the piece has sentimental value, is unique, or an antique. Make sure you conduct comparison-shopping by obtaining quotes to estimate the cost of upholstering. This way, you'll establish whether it's a better option.

Valuable Antique

If your furniture dates back more than a century and you've invested considerable money on it, we recommend upholstering as the appropriate option. Remember, this isn't something you can replace with a new sofa. In this case, upholstering means refurbishing an antique and you shouldn't attempt this on your own. Instead, seek the services of a qualified professional and be prepared to spend considerable money.

Stability and Comfort Level

The comfort level is dependent on the springiness or softness of the seat, its material, height, the seat's width, and stability. If you enjoy sitting on the sofa and feel safe, upholstering may seem more practical than replacement if the leather or fabric has discoloration or stains because of age.

Sentimental Value

If your sofa has been in the family for some time and has a history and sentimental value, it's advisable you hold on to it. After all, certain things are irreplaceable and you can't put a financial value on them.
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Three Ways to Keep your Furniture from Scratching the Floor
Responsive imageHardwood floors are an excellent investment since they’re easy to clean, maintain, and don’t have a buildup of dust and debris most of the time. Clean up has never been easier and hardwood floors are normally longer lasting than any other one. When shopping for living room furniture in South Florida organizing the new furnishings can be a hassle. There is always the worry the new furniture will scratch the floor, but thankfully there are ways to avoid it.

No Pushing

living room furniture in South FloridaA bad habit of organizing living room furniture in South Florida is people tend to push it around when putting in place instead of lifting it. Pushing furniture across a hardwood floor can cause deep scratches to appear which can be difficult to get rid of. Furniture should be picked up and lifted off the floor and not shoved around, asking a friend for help is recommended when doing this. It will help to protect your wood floor from deep scratches and damage. The other fact to keep in mind is shoving furniture can be tempting when it has to be moved around a lot. Redecorating can be a hassle with having to lift furniture up and move it, but it’s one of the best ways to ensure the hardwood floor is kept intact.

Using the Rugs

Area rugs, in particular, are excellent for people who enjoy carpet, but only want it in one area of their home. Hardwood floors are slippery and it’s easy for furniture to slide back when people sit on them or are shifting around. Area rugs provide a surface for the furniture to shift about while offering a layer of protection for the hardwood floor. These types of rugs also add a sense of color to a room and can help to define a space for people who have open floor plans. Rugs are ideal during the cold season since they provide a layer of protection between feet and a freezing hardwood floor. The splash of color can help to liven up a room and to add personality to a new space.

Using the Right Pads

People are usually unaware how useful these items when purchasing them from furniture stores in South Florida, but furniture pads are excellent for protecting a hardwood floor from gouges. Furniture pads basically cushion the feet or the corners of the furniture to cushion them against the hardwood floor. Hardwood floors can be impossible to fix if boards are scratched unless they’re replaced completely. Furniture pads vary in quality with a few being stick felt pads that can be placed directly underneath the feet of the furniture. Felt pads make it possible for the furniture to even be pushed around on the hardwood floor since they slide so easily. They’re an ideal compromise for people who plan on redecorating frequently and need a way to move their furniture around effectively. The furniture stores in South Florida have a wide selection of furniture for people to choose from.

One of the aspects of shopping around for furniture is finding what matches with the current décor and deciding which will be long-lasting. One of the advantages of a hardwood floor is it matches up well with almost any style of furniture since it has an old world charm to it. Wood, in particular, has always been a popular building choice for people since it’s long lasting, durable, and easy to use. When shopping around for furniture to match your home, you shouldn’t have to struggle with the decisions. Shopping at the right furniture store means being able to have access to high-quality furniture that will last a long time. Using these tips will help to protect your hardwood floor from being damaged when redecorating and organizing your new furnishings to create the dream room you’ve always wanted in your home.
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Plan a New Living Room Furniture Spread for the New Year
Responsive imageNew year, new you. The start of a new year is a great excuse to finally get that new living room furniture in South Florida that you’ve been dreaming of. Planning a new living room spread is fun and easy when you know where to shop. With a huge selection of classic and style forward furniture pieces, we can guarantee you that we have the furniture that matches your dream living room. Here’s how to plan out the perfect new living room you’ve always wanted with furniture from us!

Pick a Theme

Picking out new furniture is fun until you realize that nothing you picked out really goes together. Unless your style is on the eclectic side, then you’re probably going to want to pick a theme for your new living room. A theme can start with a color, a fabric style choice, or even a single piece of furniture. Whatever the theme is that you pick, make sure that it’s something that expresses your personal style and matches your lifestyle. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to pick out white furniture or an all-white theme when you have pets or small children. Comb through design magazines, walk through furniture stores in South Florida, or surf the Internet to help you narrow down what type of theme you want.

Pick a Statement Piece

Everyone has that “one piece” of furniture in their house. You know what we’re talking about. It could be a sofa, a chest of drawers, a bookcase, or a server. This piece immediately draws anyone’s attention when they first enter the room. For a living room, we suggest picking an inviting seating arrangement. We love sofa sectionals because they allow friends and family to relax comfortably in the same seating area. We also love accent chairs which allow you to express your personal style and flare a little bit more. Statement pieces are usually placed in areas of the living room like a corner to open the room up or in the center of the room to give a more intimate feeling. Wherever you put this statement piece just make sure that it’s never in the way of the flow of traffic in the room. Each room has its own traffic flow and that flow is unique to each individual home.


After you pick out the main pieces, it’s time to get fun and creative with accent décor. We love accent rugs because they can add a pop of color or pattern to an otherwise plain room. However, rugs don’t take away from the statement furniture pieces either. Unique lighting fixtures like modern or classic lamps are where style and functionality merge perfectly. Light up the room and show off your unique sense of style with one of our many classics, modern, or trend forward lamps. We also love Wall art and wall canvas art. Whether you’re into modern art, abstract art, or reproductions of classic paintings, we have the pieces your living room just can't exist without. If you’re working with a smaller living room, mirrors help to give the illusion of a larger room. Hang mirrors on the walls instead of using floor mirrors to maximize floor space and to avoid disrupting the flow of traffic in the room. You know they say a broken mirror adds seven years of bad luck. Mirrors look best over mantles or on the walls that are behind sofas.

It’s a Great Time to Buy

A new year is a perfect time to shed what is old and start anew. Our furniture stores in South Florida can help you and your family do just that. If you’ve been feeling like you need a change of scenery come on in and explore our wide selection of furniture and home décor. We offer tons of different styles, patterns, textiles, and colors to match anyone’s style and lifestyle. Don’t go into the new year wishing for something different in your life; make the changes you need starting in your own home. You deserve to live in a home that’s just as unique and interesting as you are.
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How the Hardwood Drying Process Makes for Better Furniture
Responsive imageDo want to make your home to bring harmony, relaxation, and joy? Why not rearrange or customize your home or office with furnishings from home decor South Florida. Why not give your home some good health and luck to your guests, family, and friends by balancing the energies that surround your home. it’s true that most homeowners don’t always think about nor appreciate the many energies of a home when it comes to buying new furniture or home decor. As for homeowners looking for a place to buy quality hardwood furniture, certain factors and characteristics matter when it comes to looking for the best above all.

Luckily for them, furniture stores South Florida is the one-stop shopping solution and is the store to provide homeowners in Florida an amazing decor for their home. For those wanting to make a better decision on purchasing quality furniture for their home, office or guest room, we thought it would be fitting to share some of our knowledge — one important aspect of how hardwood drying process makes for better furniture. Getting the right quality of the furniture is important, but making sure we get you the right material is equally important to us. Whether you are purchasing a set for your kitchen, living room or bedroom we have any furniture that comes in several different materials from acrylic, metal, leatherette, and wood. Let’s take a look at why hardwood drying process makes better furniture.

Hardwood — Best choice

Are you looking for top-of-line, awesome quality and strong-willed investment then you might want to consider purchasing hardwood furniture. This type of furniture comes in classic style, offers protection against cracks and has a beautiful design to fit into any home. Hardwood is an excellent choice for making furniture because it is less moisture in the wood, which provides for stronger, better-looking furniture. Hardwood goes through the process of heating the wood by using indirect and direct heat. Indirect heat uses solar energy and direct heat uses natural gas. Hardwood is a wonderful option if you are interested in Eco-friendly alternatives than those made by hand rather than a machine. Believe us when we say the benefits of hardwood is the best choice for furniture especially in South Florida. Hardwood furniture is great high-quality that uses rare but expensive materials that can resist any other fabric material.

Bring creativity to your Living Room

We have the top-of-line wood furniture to bring the sparkle and harmony to your home. We offer hand-made, gorgeous and stylish modern frame that will pop and match the color scheme of your room and customize the piece to fit your liking. Fill your living room with our beautiful hardwood Dary Cherry Curio Cabinet to our Carlisle Storage Bench. We have the best selection of exquisite living room furniture South Florida has seen. Bring some pure elegance and old world styling embodied in the Carmen sofa & loveseat to add some creativity to your home. This collection is a true treasure that will bring comfort, style, and harmony to your living space! We have affordability but stylish inventory in our store including couches, kids furniture South Florida, ottomans, sleepers and even rugs. What homeowner wouldn’t love these choices for their new home?

Stylish Bedroom Sets Perfect for the home

Every homeowner needs a bedroom set that speaks to their creativity, style, and personality. We have great themes and our choices are outstanding. Some of the bedroom furniture South Florida has many options for those homeowners who choose classic hardwood to decorate their bedroom. Decorate and bring joy with the casual, incredible and contemporary style of Malay Espresso 8 piece bedroom collection. We offer this beautiful set to any homeowner because it is constructed of Okume veneers and solid wood. This unique tropical wood combined with a 5 step finishing process provides a beautiful smooth espresso finish. The patterned moldings and simple, understated hardware give this collection depth and uniqueness. It also features English dovetail drawer fronts and backs, Kenlin metal drawer guides and positive drawer stops for safety. Take advantage while you can because this incredible value won’t be around for long!

Makeover your kitchen with new Dining room set

When it comes to the dining area, dining rooms South Florida has a selection of great wood furniture that will easily meet the immediate needs of your dining area. We have one-of-kind Chadoni dining room set for serving up high-end design minus the attitude. Believe us when we say the look of this set is ultra sleek and contemporary, but with an easy-on-the-eyes smoky finish, it exudes a casually cool vibe that feels right at home. Customized your living room with this constructed set with hardwood solids and Walnut veneers in a smoky gray color finish. Each set piece has a textural woven fabric that comes with a chair seat, dining table, and side chairs. We have a lot more furniture from chairs, stools, tables and casual tables to serve those family meals, special dinner dates and cocktail parties.

Why we are the furniture store for you

Badcock is the place to be for furniture in Fort Lauderdale. Come visit our store and we will give you the opportunity to see why we are the best. In addition to that, we have a knowledgeable staff that will help you to find exactly what you’re looking for. If you’re ready to bring harmony and a new look to your home, then you’re ready to visit Badcocks — we have what you need, like and want.
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How to Choose the Perfect Sofa for your Living Room
Responsive imageWith the unique building plans in modern construction, choosing the perfect sofa for your living room can take some careful consideration and planning to ensure that the sofa fits the space in the room well and there will still be adequate space in between for the family to comfortably move around the living room. From the lighting in the room to consider the sofa and measurements and the placement in relation to where the family television is positioned and the space available on the wall the sofa is placed against if a wall is being used, there are details that have to be considered. Of all of the furniture stores in South Florida, Badcock Furniture makes sure that they can always offer you a variety of options to ensure a pleasurable experiencing when customizing your living space.


When considering the perfect sofa for your living room in South Florida, it is important to know ahead of time what wall your television will be placed on in relation to where the light comes in the room. If the light comes in a window behind you and faces the television, you will not want your main sofa to have their back to the window. This will cause the light to bounce off of the television and fade out the picture on the television screen making it hard to see when watching television in the daylight hours. Badcock Furnishing also covers a wide selection of home décor in South Florida such as end tables and accessory lamps to complete your look and add extra light in areas where needed.

Type of sofa and Measurements

Sofas come in many different shapes, styles, and sizes with different patterns and fabrics. Taking measurements of your living room beforehand can help you to determine the size and shape that will best suit your living area. For example, wrap around sofas are great and can be a favorite when paired with a matching ottoman, but if the room is small, you may want to consider buying two or three separate pieces. This will allow you to move them closer together and create more space if needed for parties or occasions. Depending on the room colors, it would also be nice to coordinate that patterns you chose in your sofa so that room comes together well. Different fabrics are good for different environments as well. Leather couches are usually better for hotter climates and repelling pet hair. Upholstered couches can also be nice as they tend to be plusher, but can be warmer in the summer months.

Placement and Television and Wall Space

Strategically placing your television in relation to where you will have your sofas placed is smart to consider before setting up the television in your room. You will want to have a clear, unobstructed view of the television from all of your sitting areas if possible. You could also consider making the television flexible in case you need to turn it to face a particular sofa. You want to make sure the sun will not shine directly behind your sofa and towards the television blocking out your television picture. You will also want to leave adequate room between sofas if you will need to be walking between and around them. Considering these things in your sofa placement will ensure a comfortable living space. Lastly, you will want to know the length of the walls that you will be placing the sofa on to ensure that your sofa is not longer than the length of the wall.

Badcock Quality

Badcock Furniture only sells high-quality furniture made from strong, durable wood and materials, not the cheap pressboard used by other retailers. Our furniture is made to last up to your family’s active life. No matter the room you would like to suit, come to visit our showroom today. We are happy to help you to pick the perfect sofa for your living area. We are sure that you will leave satisfied and look forward to making you a part of our esteemed Badcock family. We are excited to help you create your dream home.
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South Florida Living Room Furniture for a Luxury Lifestyle
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Living Room Furniture in South Florida

Furniture stores in South Florida are a dime a dozen. However, Badcock & More features unique furniture sets and accessories for all homes and office. From exquisite dining room sets to sectional sofas and rugs, we showcase a full blend of modern and contemporary styles. We also offer a wide range of traditional bedroom furniture pieces, along with captivating kid’s furniture in South Florida. All it takes is a simple visit to our Ft. Lauderdale store or extensive online showroom gallery. Whether remodeling your home or business, having the right furniture can truly enhance any existing décor. With years of extensive industry experience, our team is committed to excellence in helping you find the right furniture for any property. In fact, we are proud to offer the following sets for optimal convenience:
  • Bedrooms Sets – contemporary or traditional bedroom furniture in South Florida. Including beds, box springs, mattresses, hope chests, nightstands, kid’s furniture and more.
  • Dining Room Sets – lavish and elegant dining tables, along with casual/formal tables – side tables – bar stools –and servers. Our tables are designed with quality craftsmanship and a strong eye for detail.
  • Home/Office Accents – beautifully designed accent furniture that captures the true allure and essence of any theme or décor. This line also included vibrant lighting, fixtures, wall art, and dazzling floral rugs.
  • TVs and Media – Computers, monitors, workstations, work tables, LCD, LED, and more. Enhance your existing media rooms with the latest in wireless technologies, sound, audio, and geometrically-designed wall units – entertainment centers and systems.
  • Living Room Furniture – your one-stop source for all living room furniture in South Florida. Including sofas, sectionals, accent chairs, loveseats, recliners, sleepers, Ottomans and so much more.
We also feature an extensive selection of appliances, kitchen accessories and outdoor furniture. In fact, you can save a bundle by accessing our Specially Marked Clearance Items. One visit to our bedroom furniture store in South Florida is all you need to access the best styles for any home or office décor.

Dining Room Furniture in South Florida

Dining rooms in South Florida are much more than just eating stations. From romantic candlelight dinners to family brunches – these rooms should effectively correlate with any existing décor. They should also be fitted with the latest in dining accessories, accents, servers and much more. From Oak and Elm to Pine, we feature the sturdiest and durable dining tables in South Florida. This includes multi-sectional tables, along with long, narrow, wide, or traditional units as well. We also ensure the right glass pieces for Art Deco or Art Nouveau style tables, which seamlessly blend in with all styles and designs.

Exquisite Furniture at the Right Prices

Our furniture store continues to receive stellar industry reviews and customer ratings. In fact, we truly go those extra miles to ensure maximum customer satisfaction across the board. This includes timely assistance from dedicated sales reps, along with expert opinions from leading designers and furniture specialists. Whether looking for bedroom furniture in South Florida or looking to spruce up your home décor, we can truly turn your dreams into realities. From Ft. Lauderdale to Miami, we offer the best furniture sets and accessories at unbelievable prices. Our services also include:
  • In-store or online customer services for all your furniture needs.
  • Extensive in-store and online showroom galleries – featuring the latest in modern and traditional furniture sets and accessories.
  • Promotional specials, daily discounts, and bulk savings for high-volume office and home purchases.
  • Top furniture and accessory brands – a huge selection of domestic and international sets for residences and businesses.
  • Free product samples and assistance with accents, color tones, upholstery, and fabrics. Expert interior design services for all office or home remodeling or light renovation projects.
  • Dedicated designers, interior experts, and furniture specialists that understand all the latest trends and styles.
  • Product listings, price comparisons, user-friendly search features, and informative buying guides at our website. New furniture inventory, products, and brands updated regularly at our showroom and warehouse.
For more information, simply visit our furniture store or access our website today. At Badcock and More, we have the tools and experience to beautify any home or office in South Florida!
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