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Blog posts tagged with 'furniture arrangment'

Furniture Arrangment Tips for New Homeowners
Responsive imageFilling your brand new home with furniture is both an overwhelming and exciting task. Getting the home décor in West Palm Beach to look as perfect as you can imagine it can be difficult at first. However, if you take the time to create what kind of mood or emotion you’d like to invoke within the room is a great start. Here are five tips for arranging new or gently loved furniture into your brand new home.

Wipe the Slate Clean

This should be easy if you are moving into a new home. Try to get the room as empty as possible so your imagination can use that empty space to fill with new furniture. From here you can imagine any type of furniture, fabric, color, and style. To help with the creative process in this step, you can make a collage or mood board for each room that needs to be filled.

Pick a Focal Point

Choosing a focal point of the room is relatively easy. Usually, a corner, fireplace, or sofa is a great start. Some rooms may have built-in focal points like fireplaces, fireplace mantles, or other eye-drawing built-in features. If there aren’t any built-in focal points, you can always make your own. Things like picture walls or televisions make for great focal points. The focal point is important because this is the point where in which you will arrange all of your furniture around.

Don’t Just Push the Furniture Against the Walls

Most people’s natural inclination is to push all the furniture against the walls. Living room furniture in West Palm Beach shouldn’t just be pushed against the walls. In fact, furniture, just like people, needs some breathing room. Leave your furniture a few inches out from the walls to create some breathing room. Of course, the size of the room will dictate where furniture will fit most comfortably at. Also, large furniture pieces can be pushed closer together to create ‘conversation corners’ for more intimate settings in larger rooms, like the living room.

Identify the Traffic Patterns

Each room is going to have a different traffic pattern based on use and traffic preference. Meaning, each room will be traveled through differently. With that being said, you don’t want to place a huge piece of furniture in the middle of a room and cut off an easy or sensible traffic lane. Also, you don’t want any large pieces of furniture to block doorways, windows or vents, as well as views to other rooms. When considering traffic patterns, also consider the functionality of the room. Is it a bedroom, a living room or a dining area. How frequently will these rooms be? This will also determine the traffic pattern and its frequency.

Put Tables at Arms Lengths

Every living room needs a coffee table and end tables and every seat in that room should have access to either the coffee table or an end table. However, no one should be getting out of their seats to access these tables. The easiest way to determine how closely a table or end table should be a seating area is to sit down yourself! The rule is usually arm's length. This way whoever is sitting down can remain seated while reaching for their beverage or plate. Coffee tables and end tables should also be the same height, or lower, as a sofa, love seat, or reclining chair. Creating your dream home with home décor in West Palm Beach is easy once you know how to get started.

Furniture shopping isn’t always just picking out what looks cutest. It is also about picking out what is functional, practical, affordable, and finally, stylish. Whether you are buying new furniture to put into your new home or using hand me downs for a little while, there are still important styling rules to follow. Fortunately, with our five-step guide, it’s now easier than ever to decorate any and every room in your brand new home. Our furniture store in West Palm Beach makes furniture shopping a fun experience. With a wide selection of fabrics, colors, and styles all of which are bound to fit within your budget. Stop in today and see what your new living room, bedroom, or dining room could look like.
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